Ohio libraries host kiosks for residents to shape regional plans

The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency is launching a community awareness campaign featuring interactive digital kiosks at two Lorain Public Library System branches in Lorain, Ohio, according to a report by The Morning Journal. Starting March 3rd and running until March 14th, kiosks will be located at the Main Branch and the North Ridgeville Branch.

NOACA, a government, transportation and environmental planning agency serving the Greater Cleveland area, is utilizing the kiosks to gather public feedback on its 20-year long-range plan, «eNEO2050+: An Equitable Future for Northeast Ohio and Climate Pollution Reduction Program.» The kiosks, resembling large cell phones, provide information about NOACA and include a survey link for public input.

«We encourage the public to participate in these engagement opportunities because it empowers decision-making, increases transparency, fosters community ownership and leads to more informed and effective public decisions,» Danielle Render, NOACA’s public affairs director, told the news outlet.

The kiosks will rotate through various public facilities in Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Medina counties in Ohio.

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