ME Group photobooths receive biometrics presentation attack detection compliant accreditation

ME Group photobooths receive biometrics presentation attack detection compliant accreditationImage courtesy of ME Group.

French biometrics and security technologies experts at Cabinet Louis Reynaud Labs have recognized ME Group’s liveness detection technology as compliant under international biometrics attack detection standards (ISO/IEC 30107-3), according to a press release. ME Group, based in Grenoble, France, services vending equipment.

This accreditation technology detects and prevents potential biometric presentation attacks across ME Group’s photobooth estate.

The prevention of attacks within photobooths is an essential process to mitigate and eliminate the creation of real «fake» official identity documents.

One of the main methods of attackers is to present a picture or a screen of a morphed picture, which allows two different persons to be matched at automatic border controls, against the picture printed or stored in the chip of an official travel document.

Testing of ME Group’s photobooths commenced in September 2021 and involved several thousand different presentation attacks being performed on the biometric data of real subjects, over a wide demographic range.

All presentation attacks on photobooths were detected by the liveness detection system during the evaluation period.

In less than half a second, ME Group’s liveness detection system performs a 3D capture of the biometric data to confirm that no presentation attack has been implemented. At the same time, a complementary ICAO-compliant portrait capture is performed, which guarantees, with no ambiguity, that the subject’s biometric data has not been changed or altered during the liveness detection sequence.

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